Missouri Area Code

Missouri's area codes are numerical designations used in telecommunications to define specific geographic regions for phone numbering. As of my last update in September 2021, some notable area codes in Missouri include 314, which covers St. Louis, 636, serving parts of eastern Missouri, 573 for central and southeastern regions, and 417 for southwestern Missouri. These area codes help organize telephone communication within the state. Please verify with up-to-date sources, as area codes can change over time.

State Missouri
State Abbreviation: MO
State Nickname: Show Me State Equality State
Capital City Jefferson City
Area Codes 314, 417, 573, 636, 660, 816
Timezone Central Time Zone (CT)
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What time zone is Missouri?

Missouri is generally in the Central Time Zone (CT). The entire state follows Central Standard Time (CST), which is UTC-6, during the standard time of the year. However, during daylight saving time, Missouri observes Central Daylight Time (CDT), which is UTC-5. Daylight saving time in Missouri typically begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November, when clocks are set forward by one hour to observe CDT.

Note that the start and end dates of daylight saving time can change


Mississippi's area code history traces back to 1947 when the state introduced Area Code 601, covering the entire state. As population growth and telecommunications demands increased, Mississippi later added Area Code 228, serving the Gulf Coast region, in 1997. These area codes have efficiently managed phone numbering within the state, facilitating communication for its residents and businesses.

All Area Codes in Missouri

This table provides a quick overview of all area codes, their locations, and some historical context for each.

Area Code Location History and Details
314 Eastern Missouri St. Louis
636 Eastern Missouri St. Charles County, St. Louis suburbs
573 Central and Southeastern Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City, Cape Girardeau
417 Southwestern Missouri Springfield
660 Northwestern and Central Missouri Sedalia, Kirksville
816 Northwestern Missouri Kansas City and suburbs

Largest Cities in Missouri with area codes

Quick overview of large cities, their area codes, and some historical context for each in Missouri.

Name Area Code History and Details
St. Louis 314 The largest city in Missouri, located along the Mississippi River, known for its cultural attractions and iconic Gateway Arch.
Kansas City 816 The second-largest city, renowned for its jazz heritage, vibrant arts scene, and world-famous barbecue cuisine.
Springfield 417 Major city in southwestern Missouri, home to educational institutions and outdoor recreational opportunities in the Ozarks.
Columbia 573 Central Missouri city known for the University of Missouri and its contributions to education and culture.
Independence 816 A city within the Kansas City metropolitan area, Independence is known for its historical significance, including the Truman Presidential Library and Museum.
Lee's Summit 816 Another city in the Kansas City metropolitan area, Lee's Summit offers a suburban lifestyle and is recognized for its community engagement and quality of life.
O'Fallon 636 Located in eastern Missouri, O'Fallon is one of the fastest-growing cities in the state, offering a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational amenities.
St. Joseph 816 Situated in northwestern Missouri, St. Joseph is known for its rich history, including the Pony Express National Museum and other historical sites.